Sophomore, Jr & Sr Team students are required to take Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Technique and Team Time.
Tap only: they can take two Tap classes and compete in Tap only.
Small Fry, Tiny Team students are required to take Ballet, Jazz & Tap.
Optional Classes: Musical Theatre, Salsa and Hip Hop
We will be competing in 2-3 competitions this season. New team students are not guaranteed to compete. They will be invited to compete when they are ready. We hope all team students will attend dance competitions even if not competing to experience the process for future competitions.
All team students will be performing in our annual dance recital.
There is a $20 registration fee per competition and each dance is approx. $55. Teams compete in Jazz, Tap and Musical Theatre. All teams are required to purchase team earrings and team tights for competition. Competition costumes are usually $105. Depending on the theme of the dance that can change. Non competition costumes are $55. Team students must wear TDC logo tops (jacket or tees) to competition. Please see dress code for team attire and shoes requirements.
TEAM FEE: This changes annually depending if we do a new production dance: $55 on the year we do not learn a new production routine and $155 on the year we learn a new production routine which includes costume. Productions are performed for two seasons. Occasionally, Choreographers will add a
special dance on a non-production year and a minimal costume fee is required. The Team Fee covers:
>Researching and purchasing music - spending hours online and in stores finding the right music for each routine.
>Editing music - this can take hours PER SONG. Recording each routine on two tapes or cd’s (one for a back up) and also an additional one to practice with. Each tape must be labeled and cued. After each competition, all 30 tapes must me rewound and relabeled for the next competitions info.
>Choosing costumes - looking through dozens of books and trying to pick something unique for each class. Usually adding appliqués and rhinestones by hand to make the costumes look even better. Hoping all will like our choices
>Researching competitions spending hours online and the phone finding a competition that’s right for us.
>Filling out entry forms - reading rules for each competition (each one is different), making sure each dance follows the guidelines for that competition for time limits, style of dance, etc. Each entry form must have EVERY student’s name and birth date, and ages must be averaged. Typing notices to keep
parents and team members informed.
>After each competition - critiquing each comment tape (there’s 3 to 4 for each routine). That’s over 100 tapes per competition and analyzing how to improve our dances for next time.
>Teacher’s transportation to and from competition. Sometimes requiring overnight stay in a hotel because the teacher needs to be at the competition all three days from morning until night.
>Payroll for another instructor to cover classes because the teacher is at competition.
Please contact me with any questions.
Thank you, Ms. Tanya
781-326-1565 or [email protected]